Watch recordings of the Waitangi Tribunal (WAI2500) hearing

For four hearing weeks across the past two and a half years, the Waitangi Tribunal’s Military Veterans Kaupapa Inquiry (Wai2500) has heard evidence from claimants and their whanau.
The focus now shifts to the Crown’s response, which the NZDF is responsible for. This is the first week of three weeks of hearings, each week being hosted by a single service on their marae.
CA, on behalf of CDF, will host the first week of these hearings at our Rongomaraeroa-o-nga-hau-e-wha Marae from Monday 24 to Friday 28 March.
CDF will be providing the opening brief on Monday 24 and a range of presentations will be made during the week. Ngati Tumatauenga, the New Zealand Army bicultural journey, policies and practices are the focus on the afternoon of Thursday 27 with CA presenting on Friday 28.
View the schedule for each day of the hearing [PDF, 558 KB]
Watch the recorded videos on Youtube
Each day has a unique link:
Monday 24 March(external link)
Tuesday 25 March(external link)
Wednesday 26 March(external link)
Thursday 27 March(external link)
Friday 28 March(external link)
These videos are available on a closed YouTube link, which is shared with a controlled distribution list. The use of this livestream does not form any part of the official record of inquiry.
More information about the Wai2500 Military Veterans Kaupapa Inquiry
The week of March 24–28 marks a significant milestone for the Wai 2500 Military Veterans Waitangi Tribunal Kaupapa Inquiry with the first Crown Hearing week, and fifth overall, being held at Rongomaraeroa-o-ngā-hau-e-whā Marae, Waiouru.
It is the first of three Crown Hearings set to be held this year which will include Tribunal-commissioned report writers, Crown-commissioned report witnesses and NZDF witnesses.
The hearings are about giving the Crown the opportunity to spell out what the NZDF’s position was at the time of these claims, which span from the 1950s to the present day, but also to highlight the positive progress that has been made with regard to our bi-cultural journey over recent years.
CDF will be attending and providing a brief to the Tribunal on Monday 24 March, with CA, CN and CAF also attending on Monday and throughout the week. CA will be briefing the Tribunal on Friday 28 March.
This Kaupapa Inquiry isn’t just about addressing issues of the past. It has provided the NZDF with the opportunity to listen to and engage with many of our former and current service people, as well as their whānau, so that their experiences can help better inform and protect our future.