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Veterans’ Affairs signs Memorandum of Understanding with the RNZRSA

For many years, Veterans’ Affairs and the RNZRSA have worked closely together, united by a shared aim of ensuring that New Zealand’s veterans are recognised, honoured, and supported.

Our roles are different but very much complementary, and we value the work that the RNZRSA — and all the local RSAs — are able to do in their work on the ground in the veteran community.

In 2015, our two organisations signed our first Memorandum of Understanding, which spelled out arrangements for working together in the future.

Veterans’ Affairs and the RNZRSA meet regularly to talk about shared interests and joint work and to sort out any particular issues. Last year, it was decided that, after eight years, the MOU should be reviewed and updated. The new version was signed last December. It takes into account how our two agencies will manage some of the new challenges we face together — such as the sharing of information in line with the requirements of the privacy legislation that is now in place.

The MOU also confirms our shared commitment to work together wherever possible to advance our common objectives and to work in partnership by developing joint approaches to support veterans and their families and whānau.

A woman and a man sat at a table, looking at the camera. They are each signing a document.

Photo: Bernadine Mackenzie, Head of Veterans’ Affairs, and Marty Donoghue, Chief Executive of the RNZRSA.

This photo shows the formal signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on 7 December 2023. It commits both our organisations to a positive and productive relationship, focused on mutual respect, a high level of trust, excellent channels of communication and true partnership.

Read the Memorandum of Understanding between RNZRSA and Veterans' Affairs [PDF, 308 KB]


10 June 2024