We've created another simplified claim form
We've created another simplified claim form
New Veteran Support form
We've been looking at our application forms to see if we can make them easier to understand and easier to complete. We found that in some cases, claimants were asked for the same information more than once.
We asked veterans and representatives of the RSA for their input. Their valuable insight has been included in the design of our new Veteran Support application form.
Veteran Support application form [PDF, 1 MB].
Two forms in one
To make it even easier for veterans to claim, we have also combined two forms together into just one form.
We've combined:
- Veterans Support Scheme Two form and
- Weekly Compensation form.
Who should use the form
Veterans can use this form if they need to:
- make an initial claim for financial support
- seek a reassessment of an existing entitlement
- make a claim for Weekly Compensation.
The new form is available to use right now. Downloading the form from our website is the best way to make sure it's always up-to-date.
Veterans Support application form [PDF, 1 MB]
You must have qualifying operational service on or after 1 April 1974 to apply.
Qualifying operational service explained
Once the new Veteran Support form has been in use for a while, we will check in with some veterans and staff for any final feedback.
If you have any questions, please contact us.