New memorial for Dieppe Barracks in Singapore

August this year marked 35 years since the New Zealand Army’s 1st Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment’s (1RNZIR) withdrawal from Dieppe Barracks in Singapore.
Dieppe Barracks represents a significant chapter in the story of Ngāti Tūmatauenga, the New Zealand Army, as it was where 1RNZIR had been based for nearly two decades from June 1971.
It was from there that a number of South East Asian campaigns and efforts were launched, and over the course of service, 23 servicemen lost their lives whilst serving at Dieppe Barracks.
The location holds significant memories and meaning for many of our people, including former Sergeant Major of the Army Warrant Officer Class One (Rtd) Bob Davies, who spent three postings there in various roles, including overseeing the Battalion’s withdrawal in August 1989.
“Those years in South East Asia were priceless in maintaining the professionalism and undisputed reputation of the New Zealand Army’s small light infantry. Our final parade in July 1989 was attended by many ex-members, Commanding Officers and Regimental Sergeant Majors, who had come from far and wide to farewell their Battalion from Dieppe Barracks.
“As the flag came down against the fading tropical sun for the final time, a comment by one of the many dignitaries in attendance summed up the essence of the occasion, and stays with me today — ‘A lot of aroha out there tonight — you could literally feel it.’
Earlier this year, the NZ Army held meetings with the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Guards Division to receive an update on planned redevelopment at the camp, which would impact Dieppe Barracks.
The construction plans include the removal of all buildings on site, with the exception of the old 1RNZIR Sergeants’ Mess and the Old Tasman Club, both of which will be maintained and preserved as heritage buildings.
The old Sergeants’ Mess is intended to become a history room for both the SAF Guards Division and Dieppe Barracks, while the Old Tasman Club will be used by the Guards Division’s leadership and command teams.
In line with these discussions, the SAF and NZ Army agreed to erect a memorial at Dieppe Barracks which would carry the names of the 23 Army personnel who died there on service and an historical inscription for 1RNZIR. This is intended to be constructed and in place by April 2026.
There will be a significant and poignant event to mark the unveiling of the new memorial, and more information will be circulated closer to the time, as well as ongoing queries about how Army personnel and other Kiwis may be able to visit, considering it will be inside an active military base.